
Converting WAV file to 8Khz, Mono, 16-Bit PCM

Recently I had a need to convert a WAV audio file from 22.05Khz, Mono, 8-Bit PCM to Khz, Mono, 16-Bit PCM so that a phone system I was configuring could interpret the audio files used for on-hold messaging. There are a number of online services that can do this, but I don’t trust them and…

Tail Windows Update Log Server 2016+ / Windows 10

Sometimes you have to patch mission critical Windows servers and you want to see what’s going on in the background. The modern windows update dialogue provides little verbosity, especially when compared to apt or yum in the Linux world. In the Windows 7 / Server 2012 days I used to just tail C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log and watch…

Mitigating CVE-2022-30190 via Group Policy Preference Registry Keys

On 31 May 2022, Microsoft disclosed a remote code execution vulnerability in MSDT, the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool. This vulnerability, CVE-2022-30190, can be exploited by sending a URL to a vulnerable system. Successful exploitation allows an attacker to install programs, view or change data, or create new accounts in line with the victim’s user permissions.…

How good is IrfanView!?

For those not in the know, IrfranView is a massively lightweight and powerful image viewer / manipulation program that has been around for decades. I first used it in the early 2000’s on Windows XP. It does only natively support Windows but can be ran on Linux and MacOS under Wine. It’s such a fantastic…

Get Windows 10 Version Information

This morning I needed to quickly get Windows 10 version information for all workstations in a domain, so I wrote the below PowerShell script. This basic script only needed a few things to get the job done; a way to get all workstations in the domain, a way to only check computers that are online…

Export Exchange Online mailbox and archive stats to CSV

If you’re like me, you’ve written variations of this script a hundred times. I decided to finally blog it and put it on git so that I could refer back. This script will get all exchange online mailboxes, check if an archive exists then dump all relevant information to CSV. It helps to know the…

Get all AD group members with PowerShell

I was recently doing an audit of AD group memberships and since I find it easier to do this by filtering a spreadsheet, I needed to get all groups and their members out to a CSV. This basic script does the job and captures key properties like the name, DN and SID for the group…

Exchange Online message trace with more detail

Recently I needed to dig through some email using the Exchange Online PowerShell module and I found the default cmdlets a bit lacking in detail. Get-MessageTrace and Get-MessageTraceDetail show you enough, but sometimes you want to know more about the flow of an email from when it was received until it was ultimately delivered, marked…

Find MacOS installer path

When you do an upgrade of MacOS, it can be hard to locate the download package as it caches to disk. Sometimes you may want to see the progress of the download, the size of the file or just troubleshoot an issue with the upgrade process. The following steps show you what commands to run…

Apple iPad Activation via MDM and

Activating an iPad with your MDM platform is usually a straight forward process.Your hardware vendor associates your device enrollment program (DEP) code with the device, your DEP platform tells your MDM that the device belongs to you and when you turn the device on for the first time, it phones home, gets directed to MDM,…


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